Planning and Zoning Commission
The Village of Tijeras Code of Ordinances establishes regulations for residents, businesses, and government agencies regarding planning, zoning, and subdivisions.
Planning and Zoning Commission meetings are scheduled for the second and fourth Wednesday of each month. In order to have your application considered at a given meeting, your application and related documentation must be submitted and applicable fees paid by 12:00 p.m. on the Thursday preceding the meeting date.
Current Planning and Zoning Commission members:

Jeff Claypool

Ramon Garcia

Alan Haskins

David Thompson

Marcos Griego
Planning and Zoning Approval Process
Pursuant to Section 26-67 of the Village of Tijeras Code of Ordinances: “No building or structure shall be erected or building footprint altered upon any premises within the Village without being reviewed and approved by the Planning and Zoning Commission or Village Council.”
In order to have your project approved by the Planning and Zoning Commission, you must submit an application for administrative review using the form located below. The deadline to submit your application and related documentation, as well as to pay any and all applicable fees, is 12:00 p.m. on the Thursday prior to the meeting date.
Step One
The applicant submits an application for administrative review to the Planning and Zoning Commission. The application form and detailed instructions can be found below.
Step Two
The application is reviewed by the Planning and Zoning Commission. Certain kinds of applications require additional approval from the Village Council.
Step Three
Once the application is approved by the Village, the applicant obtains necessary permits from Bernalillo County Planning and Development Services (505-314-0351).
Step Four
The applicant submits copies of any and all permits to the Village and proceeds with construction of the project. Please notify the Village upon completion of the project.
When in doubt: ask. Village staff are more than happy to help guide applicants through the process of obtaining the necessary approvals for their project. Please feel free to contact us at (505) 281-1220 or
Is your address in the Village?
Depending on where your property is located, you may not be subject to the planning and zoning authority of the Village of Tijeras. In fact, just because you have a Tijeras address does not necessarily mean your property is within Village limits. Please refer to the boundary map and list of Village roadways below to determine if your property is located in the Village. If you are unsure or have any questions, please contact us at (505) 281-1220 or send an email to

Planning & Zoning Regulations
The zoning regulations of the Village of Tijeras are designed to avoid congestion in the streets and public ways; to secure safety from fire, flood, and other dangers; to promote the general welfare of the community; to preserve and conserve local water resources; to prevent the overcrowding of land; to facilitate adequate provisions for transportation, water, sewerage, schools, parks, and other community requirements; to conserve the value of property; and to encourage the most appropriate use of land throughout the Village of Tijeras.
Use the links to the right to access relevant chapters from the Code of Ordinances.

Tijeras Code - Chapter 26 - Zoning
Click here to access the Village’s Zoning Ordinance.

Tijeras Code - Chapter 18 - Subdivisions
Click here to access the Village’s Subdivision Ordinance.

Comprehensive Master Plan
The Village will preserve its rural mountain character, natural beauty, and existing resources while encouraging development that serves residents and businesses and enables econmic growth.
Click here to access the Comprehensive Master Plan.

Planning and Zoning Administrative Fees
Click here to access the current Planning and Zoning fee schedule.
Application Guidelines
Thank you for applying to the Planning and Zoning Commission for review of your project.
The application for administrative review is located below. Please complete the fillable form, including as much detail as possible about your project. For example, are you seeking a zone change for your property? Will your project require a conditional use permit? If you are unsure about how to process your application, refer to the Village’s zoning ordinance, linked above in the “Planning and Zoning Regulations” section of this webpage. Physical and electronic copies of the ordinance are available upon request. If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact us at (505) 281-1220 or send an email to
For projects involving new construction, alterations to the footprint of existing structures, and landscaping, you must include a schematic with your application. The schematic must include a pointer showing true north, all property lines, all streets adjacent to the property, the location and dimensions of the proposed project, and the distance from the proposed project to all property lines and other structures on the property. There is an example schematic copied below.
Depending on the nature of your project, one or more administrative fees may apply. For a complete list of fees, please refer to the Planning and Zoning Administrative Fee Schedule linked above in the “Planning and Zoning Regulations” section of this webpage.
Example Schematic:

Application for Administrative Review
Let’s Work Together!
If you have any questions or concerns regarding your property in the Village, please feel free to Contact Us