Comprehensive Master Plan
Since incorporation, the Village of Tijeras has been dedicated to the advancement and development of its community. The Village will preserve its rural mountain character, the natural beauty and existing resources, while encouraging development that serves residents and businesses and enables economic growth.
Well No. 3
Estimated Completion Date June 2022
Senior Center Phase 4
Estimated Completion Date 2023
NM 333 Ped. Imp. Phase II
Multipurpose pedestrian path on the south side of NM 333 between NM 337 and NM 14 planned for March 2022 to May 2022
Sewer System Expansion
– Contractor has demobilized and is completing paperwork while electrical completes installation
– Substantial was completed on June 8 and final completion planned for July 8
Asset Inventory Mapping of Water & Wastewater Infrastructure
– Council approved 6/15/20 in council meeting for Molzen Corbin’s proposal to prepare Asset Inventory Mapping of water and wastewater infrastructure
– Project is expected to take 120 days from date contract is signed
Patricio Garcia HSIP Sidewalks
Construction has been completed and we are working on closeout of the project with NMDOT and FHWA
Rincon Loop East
Construction completed on June 5 and project closeout will be executed within the next 2 weeks
Gonzales Road, Torres Trail, Los Vallecitos, Vicente Lane, Pine View, Criswell Road, and Rincon Loop West
Currently under design (60-90% complete) with construction to start August 2020