Water Department
Hours of Operation | Mon – Fri |8:00 am – 5:00 pm | Closed Saturday & Sunday
Water for the Village of Tijeras is provided exclusively from groundwater. The aquifers that supply this groundwater are located within the Sandia and Rio Grande Basins.
In compliance with N.M. Environment Department requirements, the Village periodically samples and tests the water supplied into the system. Click here to view the 2023 Consumer Confidence Report, which contains information on water quality and other data related to our water utility.
Call Us
(505) 281-1220
Report a Water Emergency After Hours
(505) 321-2109
Email Utility Billing At:
Visit Us
12 Camino Municpal, Tijeras New Mexico 87059
Meet The Team
Our Water Department staff work diligently to ensure every Village resident has access to safe, clean drinking water.

Hector Castruita
Utility Operator
As a Utility Operator, Hector maintains municipal utility infrastructure in good working order. His duties include routine maintenance of the municipal water and wastewater utilities, identification and repair of water leaks and malfunctioning water meters, monthly reading of water meters, and installing new residential and commercial water connections.

Dominic Marks
Utility Operator
As a Utility Operator, Dominic maintains municipal utility infrastructure in good working order. His duties include routine maintenance of the municipal water and wastewater utilities, identification and repair of water leaks and malfunctioning water meters, monthly reading of water meters, and installing new residential and commercial water connections.
Pay Your Water Bill
The Village Water Department is pleased to offer our customers several methods for paying their water bill. See below for more information.
Ways to Pay Your Water Bill
Pay By Phone
The Village has invested in a new Interactive Voice Response (IVR) system that allows our customers to pay their water bill by phone 24/7. Rather than calling Village Hall, you will now call 888-288-7594. The system will walk you through a series of prompts. Be prepared to say or enter your account number and just the numbers of your address when prompted (for example, if your address is 123 Main Street, you will just enter 123).
Pay In Person
Customers are welcome to stop by Village Hall (12 Camino Municipal, Tijeras, NM 87059) and pay their water bill in-person. We are open Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. We can accept cash, checks, and all major credit cards. If you are paying with cash, please bring exact change. Please make checks payable to “Village of Tijeras.”
Mail Your Payment
You can mail your cash or check payment to us at the following mailing address:
Village of Tijeras
P.O. Box 9
Tijeras, NM 87059
Please make checks payable to “Village of Tijeras.”
Pay Online
Customers can pay their water bill online via our new online payment portal. The payment portal offers several methods of payment for your convenience:
1. Create an Account
Once you reach the Water Billing homepage, click the button that says “Sign in or sign up.” After creating your profile, you will need to link it to your water account(s). To do so, you will enter your water account number (with dashes) and the amount of your last water bill. After linking your account the first time, your bill will automatically be pulled up each time you sign in. From there, you can make a one-time payment or enroll in automatic payments.
2. Quick Pay
If you prefer not to create an online profile, you can select the the button that says “Quick pay.” There is no account creation or sign-in required. All you need to do is enter your account number (with dashes) and verify your service address.
3. Mobile App
Our online bill payment system integrates with the MyCivic Utilities mobile app so you can pay your water bill on the go.
To get started, scan the QR code to the right and select the link for either App Store or Google Play download.
From the home screen of the app, enter “Tijeras, NM” in the search bar that says “Search for city.” You can now sign in with the same account you created for the web portal. If you have not yet created an account, you can do so in the app.
If you have any questions about using our online payment system or mobile app, please contact us by calling 505-281-1220 or send an email to ub@tijerasnm.gov.

Hook Up to Water System
Every Village residence and business has access to the municipal water utility. To begin the process of connecting to the water system, fill out the form titled “Application for Public Water Service” below.
If you are the new owner of a property already connected to the system, there is a $50.00 administrative fee to create a new account.
If you are connecting your property to the water system for the first time, you must pay the applicable New Water Service Connection Fee. The fee for a standard meter is $2,000.00 for residential customers and $2,600.00 for commercial customers. For a complete list of connection fees by meter size, see the “Water Rates” link below. Payment plan options are available.